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Our Vision to Grow Better

Unlock Your
Fashion Potential

Transform your passion into expertise with our all-inclusive fashion design course. Gain invaluable business insights and master professional-level skills.

Comprehensive Fashion Design Course

Our courses cover everything from foundational knowledge to high-level expertise, perfect for aspiring and experienced designers alike.


Basic/Foundation class

3 months / Duration

Learn the basics of garment creation, pattern drafting, sewing techniques, fashion illustration, and simple embellishments. Understand the fundamentals of the fashion industry. Perfect for beginners.

  • Garment Creation
  • Pattern Drafting
  • Sewing Techniques
  • Fashion Illustration
  • Embellishment
  • Business of Fashion
Most Recommended

Intermediate class

3 months / Duration

Enhance your skills with more complex garment construction, detailed pattern drafting, refined sewing techniques, and advanced fashion illustration. Explore intricate embellishments and deeper business insights. Ideal for those with basic knowledge.

  • Garment Creation
  • Pattern Drafting
  • Sewing Techniques
  • Fashion Illustration
  • Embellishment
  • Business of Fashion
Popular Pack

Advance Course

3 months / Duration

Master professional-level garment construction, advanced pattern drafting, sophisticated sewing techniques, and high-level fashion illustration. Perfect advanced embellishments and gain comprehensive business strategies.

  • Garment Creation
  • Pattern Drafting
  • Sewing Techniques
  • Fashion Illustration
  • Embellishment
  • Business of Fashion
Words From Our Students

From foundational principles to advanced techniques, we offer a thorough education that prepares you for all aspects of the fashion industry

Embark on your fashion journey with
House of Fonis Fashion Academy.

Discover your specialty in fashion and build a strong, distinctive brand identity.

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Designs created

Learn to visualize your unique style and aspirations

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Students trained

Ready to take the first step towards your dream career in fashion? Contact us today to learn more about our programs, enroll in courses, or schedule a tour of our state-of-the-art facilities. Let's make fashion your future.

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    General Enquires

    Phone: +2340803 579 7332 &
    Email: [email protected]